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Giveaway Tour ~ The Chronicles of Darkness ~ The Box of Infernos


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What’s inside the Box of Infernos?

That’s what I want to know.

Join me on this tour of discovery organized by Bewitching Blog Tours and lets find out together!


The Chronicles of Darkness: The Box of Infernos

The Chronicles of Darkness Book One

Matthew Head

Genre:  Supernatural Mystery

ISBN:  978-1-78299-263-9

Number of pages:  204

Word Count:  85,000

Cover Artist: Matthew Head

Teaser trailer: http://youtu.be/STsB96OFZfw


Book Description:

In the south of England, in the city of Monks-Lantern, events are starting to unfold which have the potential to threaten all of creation. Isaac Jacobs is a young university student with a haunted past who has long been fighting the supernatural monsters of this world and now he fights them alongside his four friends; Gabbi Gurtpasha, Billie Stamford, Laura Henley and Ben Pokeley.

What starts off as a disturbing but relatively low key investigation soon explodes into something much larger, darker and more fearsome than any of them could have imagined. Just what is behind the slow but steady disappearance of people from the city? Who is the much feared Imperator? What is the worst thing you can hope to see beneath a door in an empty building? How do you define a good man from a bad one? And what terror lies within the Box of Infernos?

A plan which has been in motion for millenia is now coming to fruition and Isaac had better be ready as his life will never be the same again from now on.

Something is coming.

Here is a peek inside!

It is said by some that all of creation can be divided into good or evil. Light or dark. Right or wrong. True or false. Those who say this say it as a comfort to themselves, as they are undoubtedly the ones who will claim to be good, light, right and true and it makes their lives just a little easier if they can believe that those adjectives really apply to them.

It is said by others that all of creation can be classed together – that every being is a combination of good and evil, that there is in fact no true good and no true evil in existence. Those who say this say it also as a comfort to themselves, as it means they can sleep better in their beds believing that there is no true evil lurking in the world, or perhaps in the shadows of their own bedroom.

It’s an unfortunate truth then for both of those groups of people that they are both wrong in their beliefs. There is pure good, there are beings of pure light in existence. And there is pure evil, and rest assured there are many beings of pure darkness in existence. But then there are also creatures who straddle both camps, which are impossible to class one way or the other.

The beings of light are predominantly the angels who sing and blaze in the higher realms, radiating love and beauty. They live their lives in what we as humans have decided to call heaven but that isn’t to say that they don’t make their presence known still in our world from time to time. They aren’t the only beings of light however – there are the Witches of the Veil who pass through worlds offering help and kindness, and legends also tell of ancient beings that swirl in the deserts of the east of the world – always happy to show love and friendship to any who need it.

The beings of darkness can be loosely tied together with the common term of demons, however this broad term does their numbers an injustice. There are many creatures of hate and lies – soul dwellers, ghouls, the Children of Despair, the Ar’karnak, the shadows, malignant fairies – the list can continue almost indefinitely as the dark realms have spawned infinite monsters in the time since the dawn of creation. Higher up than simple demons there are also the primordial beings of chaos and hatred that have long been forgotten by our world although that is not to say that they have forgotten us.

It might seem on the face of it that the beings of darkness outweigh the beings of light, but then it must be remembered that a single match shines brightest when surrounded by the pitch blackness and that a single truth if properly wielded can topple a whole tower of lies.

Still there is another group to look at, the beings that fall in between. Those gloriously grey beings that refuse to be either the deepest black or the purest white. Humans. People. Grey is often seen as a boring, drab kind of colour but in the case of humanity it shines brilliantly. Many people in the world would resist being painted with the grey brush – some may claim to be pure good, some may well claim to be pure evil. But whatever you may think of an individual you must remember the truest truth there is in the whole of the world – they are all grey. They are all somewhere in-between. No person is wholly right ever, everyone has their own faults and everyone makes mistakes and does wrong from time to time. And equally no person is wholly wrong ever, behind the most wicked people you will always find some glimmer of good – a shadow of the person they once were perhaps or an indication of some terrible event which once turned them down darker paths.

The greatest strength of humanity is its ability to comprehend and exhibit the emotion we’d loosely call love. Love binds people, binds families, binds friendships together and holds them close. It pulls you close to people and keeps you with them and through that it can be a source of great joy and great happiness. But despite being the greatest strength love can also perversely be the greatest weakness of a person too. For many it never becomes an issue because their lives are too ordinary. But for some who find themselves dealing with those creatures who dwell purely in the darkness then love can twist and turn. Before long it can lead to terrible choices, awful deeds and heartbreaking consequences.

So then, we can see that there are beings of true light, beings of true darkness and beings of the in-between. All are important and all will play a crucial part in the story which is about to begin before the final move is made and we see whether creation ceases to exist or if it will continue to flourish in all its diversity. For there is one more truth to impart.

Something is coming.



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Two signed print copies of The Chronicles of Darkness:

The Box of Infernos by Mathew Head – open worldwide!

To enter, click on the rafflecopter link below.

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About the Author:

My name is Matthew Head and I’m a writer from Surrey. Well, I say from Surrey – I was born in Kent, moved to London for a bit and then moved out to Surrey to live with my partner Andrew. I was born in the eighties, raised in the nineties and then I was inspired in the noughties during my time at university where I studied Theology.

Theology is quite possibly the most fascinating subject in the world. Sounds boring I know, sounds like church and everyone knows that church is boring. But it’s not like that at all. It’s packed full of myths and monsters, gods and goddesses – mad, bad, sad ones alive in stories which rival many blockbuster movies in terms of how epic they are. It doesn’t matter whether it’s all real or not – it’s the story that counts. Stories are beautiful because absolutely anything is possible within them. That’s why I love writing because I love the idea of contributing to that and creating stories. Stories that will make you cry, make you laugh, make you scared. Because I think there is some magic in writing – that simple words have the power to make us feel and react so strongly to them.

When I’m not writing or doing my day job then I really enjoy going out and exploring new places. I love going somewhere I’ve never been before, especially if there’s some history linked to the place. Old places are the best – the older the better. You just get this sense that so much has happened there, so many different people have come and gone and yet the place remains.

A few more random facts about me – my favourite pet is the humble goldfish, my favourite dinner is macaroni cheese, I love banana flavoured things but I strongly dislike bananas and the only real phobia I have is a phobia of frogs. Yeuch.

Web: www.chroniclesofdarkness.co.uk

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